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Looking to Join Our Competition Team?
Company Camp is the Place to Start!
Company Camp
Train at CSDS for up to four weeks this summer! Company Camp will take place during the weeks of July 7th, July 14th, July 21st, and July 28th. Don't miss out on some of the best dance instruction and training from our incredible faculty of teachers.
Separated by age groups, students will take a full range of classes in:
Hip Hop
Progressive Ballet Technique (PBT)
Dancers can choose to attend one or two days of Company Camp each week according to age. We recommend they attend two days per week if possible!
Register Online:
Current Customers - Log in to your Payment Portal
New Customers - Fill out a Registration Form
Company Camp:
$100 per day per student
Family Discount for Company Camp:
First Child: Full Price
Each Additional Child: $80 per day
Attend Company Camp once or twice per week according to age
Students must attend at least two different weeks of Company Camp and one audition day to be considered for our 2025-2026 Competition Company
*Subject to Change
Company Camp Faculty

Company Camp Days, Age Groups, Times, Dates:
*Students' ages for Company Camp are based on the age they will be as of January 1, 2026 (their competitive age).

Click to enlarge schedule
Company Camp Sample Schedules:

Click to enlarge schedule
*Students will be separated into multiple rooms each day based on enrollment. The rooms they dance in have no bearing on the group dances they will be placed in.
Company Auditions:
Company Auditions:
Main Day: August 1, 2025
Ages 11 & Under: 10:00 am-2:00 pm
Ages 12 & Up: 2:00-6:00 pm
Alternate Day: July 26th, 1:00-3:30 pm
For Company Auditions, students who are interested in being in our 2025-2026 competition groups will sign up to audition according to age. If your children are unable to attend the Company Audition on August 1st or the alternate day of July 26th, send us an e-mail and we can schedule a separate time to hold their audition.
Dancers will audition for our teaching staff in the styles of their choosing using any of the combinations they learned during Company Camp. All dancers who want to audition for a Jazz or Contemporary group must audition with a Ballet combination as well, for placement in the appropriate Ballet level for the year. Auditions for our Ballet Training Program (BTP) will also take place on July 26th and August 1st.
More information on auditions will be e-mailed to all Company Camp registrants.
Parents are welcome to sit in the lobby and watch Company Camp on the TV monitors.
Students will remain in the same dance room for the entire camp day and teachers will rotate between rooms.
Clothing attire: students must wear the same outfit for the entire day to eliminate changing clothes in bathrooms. No Ballet attire is needed; have your children wear tight-fitting dance clothing for the entire camp day. Hip Hop is the only class where dancers may add layers and baggy clothes. For all other classes, dancers must wear tight-fitting clothing (no t-shirts).
All students must attend all classes for the camp days they have signed up for, regardless of whether or not they have taken a certain style before. The only exception to this rule is for medical reasons. We like to promote our dancers being well-rounded and Company Camp is the best time for dancers to try all styles of dance. We will have two teachers per room to accommodate all levels for each style.
For dance shoe questions, please see our What To Wear page. Dancers may wear clean tennis shoes for Ballroom and Tap if they do not own Ballroom or Tap shoes.
Students have two options for Lunch Breaks:
Bring a packed lunch at the beginning of the day to eat during the break (plan the packed lunches accordingly with ice packs/non-perishable items).
Have a parent/guardian drop off lunch at our assigned lunch drop-off table, (by the exit hallway) no later than 12:00 pm each day. When dropping off lunches at the table, please write your child's first and last name on the packaging so they can easily locate it during lunch (we will have markers for you to do this inside the studio).
Dancers may not leave the studio during lunch, as they would not make it back in time for the start of their next class.
Register Online:
Current Customers - Log in to your Payment Portal
New Customers - Fill out a Registration Form
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us!